понедельник, 27 февраля 2017 г.

Бенгальский тигр:случаи нападения на слонов и носорогов

Predation by tigers on rhino cows and calves is belleved to be an important factor in keeping down the population of rhinos in Gorumara and Jaldapara.(Gorumara National Park)
Bist S.S. 1994  Population history of rhinoceros in North Bengal

"In West Bengal, approximately 6 rhinos were reported to die annually due to tiger attacks during early 1970s as per the census report of March, 1972 2 (mother and calf) in 1952 in Gorumara; 1 calf in 1968 in north Bengal outside reserve; 1 calf each in Jaldapara in 1974, 1981, 1991 and 1995. The last one was about 2.5-3 years old. It was killed and eaten by a tiger on 3.3.1995. One female calf was killed by tiger in Gorumara in 1994-95, but now there is no tiger in this Park. On 18.1.1997 a female calf was found dead due to tiger attack in Jaldapara."

Tiger vs rhino

"The two greater one-horned rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) include a female who was rescued four years ago after its mother was killed by a tiger, and a male who was rescued after being washed away and separated from its mother about eight years ago"

Wild Asian elephants distinguish aggressive tiger and leopard growls according to perceived danger

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